My son started preschool back in August and one of the many amazing aspects of his school is that it is located in the middle of a beautiful canyon in San Francisco. When he first started school I thought the 10-15 minute walk in and out of the canyon with a toddler was going to be tiresome. The months have passed and I have learned to love this time with Leo. There are days we are in a hurry and I get impatient because we will be late to school. Sometimes he falls and we have to stop until the tears subside.And he almost always stops at every moment to admire a bug or bird. What I once thought would be a grueling commute has turned into something I cherish and look forward to. For about 10-15 minutes of my day I get to hold hands with my son and we have each others undivided attention (aside from the critters along the way and nervous skunks 😷). It is amazing to me that our perception can change our outlook on life. I once thought a a quick and fast preschool drop-off wou...